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आज की ताजा खबर पढ़ें (Live Breaking News) हिंदी में Republic Hindi पर, #1 Hindi News website - पढ़ें. भारत और दुनिया की aaj ki breaking (ब्रेकिंग) khabar. रिपब्लिक हिंदी (Republic Hindi ) के मुख्य समाचार. व्यापार, राजनीति, बॉलीवुड, मनोरंजन और खेल जगत से जुड़ें. बने रहें लाइव ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़ के लिए.

Read The Latest Crime News or any Interesting News Online

The entire world is getting online today and so, in this context, news can’t lag behind. Nowadays, various online news portals are playing a pivotal role in educating as well as informing people regarding the latest happenings that include the latest crime news too. Commonly, the role of online news websites is hugely important in people’s fast life as they lack the time to sit before a TV to get aware of the happenings of the world.

crime news

Benefits unbound

The chief advantage that people extract from an online news portal is they can get every update and information connected to the latest happenings and that too within some minutes only. The remarkable thing about these news portals is they get updated every minute to provide people with the newest updates and alerts about things that grab people’s attention. Again, the breaking news too gets posted before other mediums and so, it turns feasible for men to turn to them for the latest news.

When you read news online, then you end up saving yourself lots of time and alongside you get to know about the day’s updates too. Additionally, it saves your money as you aren’t required buying the newspapers. So, even when you are outside or in your office, you can catch up with the news and you can just concentrate on all the news that you prefer most. Hence, easier accessibility is one of the commendable benefits of online news portals.

The innovative feature of the online news portal is it proposes mobile updates as well as alerts in a person’s home and so; you can easily have the breaking news, latest headlines besides front-page news anytime and at just any place.


The online news portal does provide news connected to the technology world, entertainment, exam news, the latest crime news, and much more instantly. And this is a feature that other mediums lack. You have not to wait for long to access news.  So, it can be said that the online news portals happen to be highly interactive, less costly and certainly, hassle-free.

Source: http://www.republichindi.com/news/crime